Closed beta!
Published by: Leo M., Founder of ok human on Oct 19, 2021
Yesterday first beta users got access to OK, human.
The moment that the product meets the real world, even if only a tiny bit of it, is always an anxious moment.
OK, human is a child of my own necessity. Having a product that is more than another pursuit of a business idea amplifies emotions. In a way, it's a part of me & my experiment in improving my own life - delivered with code to others.
Although it's not my first product, this time I felt a bit more stressed than before. There's a long way for OK, human and I try to keep that in mind once feedback starts to roll in. Luckily, my first beta users are people whom I value & trust. I see them as partners, walking side-by-side on a path to a better product & experience.
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