Kanban Ink

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Kanban Ink

Why make a ToDo, when you can make build a *plan*

Kanban Ink is on my shared code library!

Published by: Valley_Software, Founder of Kanban Ink

Not only have I made the new common code library work for me, but I have my first apps using it!

GIF-O-Matic has been migrated along with Kanban Ink.

Each app I port takes time, but will free up so much development time for other things in the medium to long term.

I'm in the middle of porting Bulk Image Resize now. And each app makes the shared code library /better/. I am going to believe that means I am doing something right.

Uplift and standardize common code

Published by: Valley_Software, Founder of Kanban Ink

My flagship products; Bulk File Rename, Bullet Journal and Kanban Ink all share some elements, but they are by in large copied and require manual updates in multiple places when newer ways, styles or capabilties.

Kanban Ink needs an uplift to my current component set so it makes sense to start there with building a shared, portable library to eliminate some duplication.