Title Pages Live
Published by: Ron Nicholls, Founder of Box Office Buz on Aug 16, 2022
After going back and forth for a long time on the design of the television and film title pages, I finally landed on something that I think will work well and will be easy to iterate from.
There is still a lot of work to do, and the page needs to be tweaked, but this is the MVP.
Comments (2)
Micah Iverson 3 yrs ago
Looks like a good start. I feel like the text next to the main photo is to close and the movie title isn't bold enough, it kind of disappears despite being larger. Wonder if you want a light background behind the top section to separate it from the second section a bit?
Ron Nicholls 3 yrs ago
I think these are great suggestions. Testing out in my Figma file now.
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