Connections Across Time
Published by: andrewescher on Feb 06, 2022
A micro biography of my work learnings...
- I worked at John Ward Economics. My mom introduced me to Kurt who worked there. He let me build a computer, runs scenario analyses for litigation cases and watch a lot of YouTube. It was a pretty chill job. In my free time I started learning about markets and watched a lot of The Simpson's, $12/hr
- I worked at Adams Dairy Bank. I delivered beer and Twinkies to customers and potential customers and picked up cash from Pizza Shops. I served hot dogs on Saturday's and threw a few large charity events. In my free time I read Mr. Money Mustache and Early Retirement Extreme I learned about event organization, customer service, and making your own rules within complex systems from the CEO. $12 - 15 /hr
- I worked at Cerner.