
A timer seems like such a looked over tool as it seems like such a "simple" thing to use. But it's surprising how many subtle features you need for a quality timer in a meeting scenario. Have you found it hard to get adoption of Stage Timer? What has been your approach to reach new users?

Asked by MicahIverson 3 yrs ago.


Answered by _lhermann...

On the contrary, I'm consistently surprised about our customers.

I started it thinking "Who would actually pay for a timer?" but I added pricing anyway because I wanted to learn the ins and outs of running a SaaS. Turns out, we get amazing customer feedback. Just today I got this email:

Your solution is BRILLIANT, and I just wanted to say, “thanks!”. We’ll spread the word in our industry about Stage Timer. [...] Best $100 I’ve spent this year, and I’m stoked!

Our first users came from a Reddit post. But now it is organic and word-of-mouth.