The entertainment is a huge industry, what plans do you have to grow BoxOfficeBuz into a popular service?
Asked by MicahIverson 4 yrs ago.
Answered by ronkn85...
My hope is to build out niche features that the bigger sites would feel is too much effort while focusing on rapidly intreating user requests.
I have a good current list of features that will be going into the website. After the relaunch, they will move into the public road map, and users will be able to vote up, down, and give suggestions on those features.
Features are so high priority because there are many sites I used and stop using because they don't move with how the user wants to utilize the product. If there is a feature Box Office Buz doesn't have that 15% of users want. Let's build it.
At the end of the day, this really just boils down to me wanting users to be happy. That means focus on design and features. I want Box Office Buz to be a place for lovers of entertainment by someone that loves it as much as them.
The original slogan of Box Office Buz, was "we love entertainment", simply because, I love movies, television, and gaming, and I am building a site that I would want to use.
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